At, we understand that our responsibilities extend beyond environmental considerations; we also have a far-reaching social responsibility. We are committed to ensuring that we only work with ethical manufacturers who prioritize fair labor practices.

Reality of the Textile Industry
It is well known that traditional textile factories are generally built in economically underdeveloped and labor-abundant areas, where sufficient labor resources make factories not pay attention to the conditions of their employees. The textile industry's demand for low costs and fast production often leads to dangerous working conditions. We care deeply about the well-being of workers, which is why we ensure that our products are made by adults who are respected, fairly paid, and willing to work. Importantly, we do not condone any form of child labor, and we firmly oppose any manufacturer that does so.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our operations and partnerships. We will actively engage in anti-racism work and strive to achieve meaningful and lasting change in our industry.

Our Manufacturer Standards
We believe in conducting business in an ethical manner and expect our suppliers to share our values ​​on human rights. We strictly adhere to the following standards in the selection process of manufacturers, and all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers must comply with these standards:

  • Safe and healthy workplace: We seek suppliers who provide a safe and healthy working environment and comply with local laws and regulations.
  • No forced or compulsory labor: We will not knowingly work with suppliers who engage in forced labor practices in the manufacturing process of our products.
  • Fair disciplinary practices: We will not work with suppliers who use corporal punishment or any form of mental or physical abuse.
  • No discrimination: We respect cultural differences, but we firmly believe that employment should be based on individual ability, not personal characteristics or beliefs.
  • Reasonable working hours and overtime: We work with suppliers who ensure that the standard working hours per week do not exceed 60 hours, excluding paid overtime in accordance with local laws.
  • Fair wages: We seek suppliers who are committed to providing fair wages and benefits to meet the basic needs of their workers and families.
  • No child labor: We only work with suppliers who do not employ child labor. We will not work with any manufacturer that uses labor from individuals under the age of 16, regardless of the laws of the country in which they are located.

We are committed to continuous improvement
At, we are working to continually improve our operations, sourcing practices, supply chain, and brand ethos. We are committed to making responsible choices, having a positive impact on workers’ lives, and contributing to a more ethical industry.

Thank you for supporting and joining us in our mission to promote ethical partnerships and social responsibility in the home furnishings space.