1.Cancellation within 24 hours of purchase: You may cancel your order for any reason within 24 hours of purchase. After this time, we will be unable to process a cancellation.

2.Cancellation with a cancellation fee: If you cancel your order after 24 hours but before the shipment of your item, you will be charged a 0% cancellation fee.

3.Cancellation with a refund: If you cancel your order before the shipment of your item, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel your order after the shipment of your item, you will receive a refund minus shipping and handling charges.

4.Cancellation with a rescheduling option: If you need to cancel your order, you may reschedule your order for a later date. Please contact our customer service team to arrange a new delivery date.

5.Cancellation for custom orders: Custom orders cannot be cancelled or refunded once production has begun.


It's a good idea to review the cancellation policy before making a purchase to ensure you understand the terms and conditions.